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The Chadwick Helmuth Model 9600 Accutach Reader measures the frequency of most tachometer generator or magnetic pickup signals, giving exact RPM Measurements for each assembly.

This kit is for the C-130 aircraft and can be used on the P-3, E-2C and C-2A as well.

Complete kit with cables and padded carry case.


Measures & displays tachometer output frequency in Hz, RPM or %RPM

The Accutach is a versatile hand-held, battery operated instrument that can be used in a wide variety of aircraft measurement and calibration applications.

The following examples show its versatility:

  • Measure the rotation of a turbine rated at 12,000 RPM at 100% that drives a 70Hz tach generator at 100%.
  • Measure the speed of a rotor system rated at 450 RPM at 100% using a magnetic pickup with three single interrupters and one double interrupter.
  • Measure propeller RPM using the 1-per-rev pulse from a synchrophasor.

The Model 9600 features a microprocessor that measures input signal period, computes the frequency, controls the display, monitors the keyboard, and stores settings. The keyboard consists of a power ON key, RESET key, display LIGHT key, display CONTRAST control, and four MODE keys for data entry and access to the software menu.

A CHANNEL knob is provided to select up to four input signals from connector J1 or a single input signal from connector J2.


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